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Summar Abboo - Senior Loan Processor

Summar is an experienced professional who is deeply dedicated to her career. Over her years in the industry, she has effectively handled various mortgage applications, even in complex situations, to ensure smooth closings for clients.

Recognized for her outstanding organizational skills, Summar can manage multiple tasks with precision. Her attention to detail remains high, and she is skilled at connecting with clients, guiding them through the mortgage process, and collaborating with loan officers and others. Her teamwork abilities shine as she creates a cooperative atmosphere, sets priorities, and motivates team members for top-notch performance.

Besides her leadership and processing expertise, Summar holds a license as an originator. This additional qualification, earned early in her career, enables her to comprehend client needs and provide excellent service. She stands out in the industry by keeping pace with its dynamic changes. Summar’s strong work ethic, analytical thinking, and professionalism establish her as an invaluable asset to any mortgage team.

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